Sunday, April 09, 2017

Palm Sunday...

...and a great procession, choristers singing Pueri Hebraeorum, altar servers, clergy, Cardinal in cope and mitre, a great concourse of the faithful with palm branches, made its way up towards Victoria Street and across the great piazza in front of Westminster Cathedral...we joined its great surge and into the Cathedral for a most glorious Palm Sunday Mass. The Passion was chanted from the high marble pulpit with the choir singing the crowd parts from the apse, the Cardinal preached reminding us of the significance of various aspects of Christ's entry into Jerusalem, and the vast congregation seemed to fill every corner...

I was with a family of American visitors, charged with showing them around London, and this magnificent Mass was the highlight of the day. We walked on down to the river, and in due course  by train to Windsor - hot, crowded, with long queues to get into the Castle, but worth the trip - and as the day ended, talked agreeably over many things, discussing history, language, books...

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